Hello again, nowI come totalk about myhouse, myhouse has threesleeping rooms, 4 bathroomstwo roomsa kitchena patio,a front isa big house, I really likeas it isdespite the fact thatmust be cleanedmuchand thatgets dirtyeasily whenit rains.
oh andalargeplasma TV. is great.
I'm sorrybut I havepictures of myroom orelsewhere.
This page willconstantlybe reviewingpeoplewhowantto knowsomethingabout me,my name isDanielbutyou can call meDanismoresimple,I have 19 yearsandstudied at theUniversidad RafaelBelloso Chacin.wellmyfavoritecolorisred,mysoccer teamisBarcelona FC.
I usually domostof the fun thingsandI do not likethe boring,andmypassionandfunto playsoccer withmyfriendsintournaments,since it ismoreinteresting,wellpleasedandtake care.